Summer 2023 FUMC Melrose Free Meals

Summer 2023  FUMC Melrose Free Meals

The weekly Sunday Free Meals Program offers meals every Sunday, 11:30am – 12:00pm, in the Chapel. All are welcome to visit the Church and choose healthy frozen meals from the Melrose Community Freezer.

We need at least 2 volunteers to help distribute these meals, each Sunday. If you are interested, use this link to sign up to volunteer for Sunday Free Meals:

If you’re able to make meals, please send email to fooddrivemelrose@gmail.comwith quantity and timing, or sign up here: Melrose Food Bank

If you have questions on the program, please contact Sue Triggs-Rhuda (FUMC) at or Jana Gimenez (TFD) at


A joint program of FUMC Melrose and The Food Drive, the Sunday Free Meals program from the Melrose Community Freezer offers nutritious, balanced frozen meals at no cost for anyone in the local community experiencing need. Each guest chooses three frozen meals from a wide selection. To accompany each meal, guests receive homemade treats made with love by children and youth at FUMC. 

Our THANKS to donations from the Melrose FUMC congregation and to our volunteer cooks!

Suggested Meals: 

Roast chicken/turkey/pork, rice, green beans

Shepherd’s pie or meatloaf, mashed potatoes, peas & carrots

Soup or stew with cornbread or bread

Lasagna, chicken/broccoli ziti, or another pasta bake

Kid meal: chicken fingers, mac & cheese, veggie

The most important requirements are:

Meals are COMPLETE, including protein/veggie/starch

Meals are LABELLED

Meals should FREEZE WELL