A note from Pastor Travis 6/8/23

Yesterday was the opening session of the New England Conference’s Annual Conference. For those who aren’t familiar with “United Methodist speak,” this Annual Conference is the regional meeting for our denomination. 

June 7-10 all the United Methodism Clergy and lay representatives from each church in New England are gathering in Manchester, New Hampshire to worship, set policies, celebrate ministry, pass a budget, and ordain new pastors.

For most on the agenda this year is the schism that is taking place in our denomination. Fourteen churches in New England have petitioned to leave the United Methodist Church. We will be voting on their request. 

There are over 575 churches in our Conference, so the number requesting to leave is very low. In addition to voting on churches who wish to disaffiliate, there are a number of other things we will be debating and voting on. This includes resolutions on canceling debt of black churches, funding black and urban churches with equity, a resolution to affirm gender identities, and divesting from fossil fuels. 

There will also be resolutions on the practical matters of being a church, such as proposals on health insurance and property insurance. 

Bert Whittier is our representative to the Annual Conference. He and I will be available if you have any questions about what happened at the conference or any other questions that you have. 

Please keep Bert, me, and the entire Annual Conference in your prayers. If you would like to watch the legislative sessions, Annual Conference worship, or the ordination service, you can use this link: https://www.youtube.com/@newenglandconferenceumc2273/streams

Peace and Grace,

Pastor Travis