Live Stream FUMC-Melrose on YouTube

Live Stream FUMC-Melrose on YouTube

We have heard from a few people that they have trouble finding our livestream and worship videos on YouTube. If you are not using the link that we email you each week for the service, it can be a little confusing to find our videos. 

You can click here to join us when LIVE: FUMCYOUTUBE

The best way to do it is to search for our YouTube channel by typing FUMC Melrose in the YouTube search bar. Once on our page click on the “LIVE” button. It is the fourth button (Home, Video, Shorts, Live). This works if the service is currently live AND also if the service has already taken place. 

For some reason, YouTube has started placing all of our videos there.

Another way to find our videos is to go to our Facebook page, First United Methodist Church of Melrose, MA. The link to our videos are on our page.

Another hint to find us quickly is to subscribe to our YouTube channel.

You can do that by clicking on the “subscribe” button once you get onto our page. Then, when you go to YouTube – you can press the “Subscriptions” button. Note, you still have to then click on the “live” button to find our recent videos.