A note from Pastor Travis 5/2/24

“I am about to do a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it?”

Over the last two weeks, I have been sending you updates about the United Methodist General Conference. So much has happened and is happening that I really have not had time to reflect deeply on what I’m experiencing. That will happen over the next few weeks. However, I would like to try to describe to you something about the atmosphere of General Conference. 

This is the first General Conference that I have attended. However my wife, Sandra, has been a delegate since 2004. She has told me that each previous General Conference has been tense, characterized by deep conflict, primarily around full inclusion. This General Conference has been different. 

From the very beginning, there has been a spirit of cooperation and care. People have been working together trying to move our denomination forward. A large reason this is true is because many of the people who were creating a toxic atmosphere have left the denomination and aren’t present at General Conference. 

This General Conference is filled with hope and is looking forward to what the United Methodist Church can become. It feels like a new day has come to our denomination and people are energized to go from here and serve God. The Spirit of God has been with us at General Conference and it’s palatable. 


Pastor Travis