Children & Youth News Mid-Fall 2022

Children & Youth News Mid-Fall 2022

Here are some of our upcoming events & info:

We are also planning to offer a regular opportunity for the children to prepare food (simple cooking and/or baking) during Sunday school time on the fourth Sunday of each month.

Next baking date: This Sunday, October 23, during 10 am worship.

Dessert: Rice Krispy treats

The food will be donated to the Community Freezer, and will be distributed as part of the Sunday Free Meals. The cookies that were made by the children last month were gratefully received by those who came during the meal distribution. We want to continue offering this as a way to have fun, learn new skills or recipes, and be of service. The activity will also be integrated with a quick Sunday school story that the children can engage while the food is cooking.

In-person Sunday school continues to be on offer for those children who attend Sunday morning services. There is also nursery care available for younger children. Please know that your children are always welcome to stay with your family during the service, if that is what you or they would prefer. We have options!

Youth Group is for those who are in sixth grade through twelfth grade. Youth of this age can attend Sunday school during our worship services (we will have a separate group for them), and they are also welcome to join us for social and service activities on the third Sunday of each month, usually in the early afternoon. Many of these activities are included on the Confirmation class schedule, so those who attend Confirmation classes can plan to do both.

Do we know your children’s birthdays?

If you have not seen your child’s birthday listed in the enews in the past year, and/or you have never received a birthday card for your child from the Christian Education Program, it is possible that we don’t know when your child’s birthday is! Please let Jayleigh know if you think this may be the case, so that we can celebrate all of our children and youth on their special days.