A note from Pastor Travis 10/20/22

Over the past 4 weeks, I have been preaching on “Why I am Methodist.”  In this sermon series, I have been sharing some of the gifts that the Methodist tradition brings to the larger Christian community. One of these gifts was on full display last Sunday: the ministry of the laity. 

Unlike some traditions which place emphasis on the role and ministry of the clergy, the Wesley tradition has always valued the importance of every member’s ministry. While most Protestant traditions recognize the ministry of all members to some degree, defining it as “the priesthood of all believers,” the Methodist tradition embraces the idea in a way most traditions do not. From its conception, the Methodist movement was primarily a lay movement. John Wesley appointed lay preachers to travel the country and lay ministers to lead the covenant groups that he established throughout England. When Methodism came to America, it was the lay ministers who led the way. In the early years of Methodism, there were few ordained clergy. They usually had a large circuit to travel which included a number of churches. This meant that they were not at every church on a weekly basis. It was the laity who led worship and visited members when the clergyperson was tending to other churches on the circuit. It is the talent and dedication of the laity that has been the secret to the success of the Methodist Movement.

Our congregation is full of talented and dedicated people who share their gifts in our church. This past Sunday when I couldn’t make it to worship because of COVID, Bert preached and Jim was liturgist. Cory did double duty of running the Livestream and the sound (which meant that the had to do a lot of running between the two!) Jolyon ushered. 

Every day members of our congregation work hard, sharing their gifts with the church. There are many people who serve in important roles in the church, and when you highlight any particular area of ministry, you always leave others out. However, today I want to say a special thank you to our dedicated lay volunteers who help with worship. Thank you, Cory, Bert, Jim, Jolyon, Jeff, Rollie, Donna, Wendy, and of course, our choir members, Elizabeth, Tom, Thomas, Allison, and Alicia. Thank you. 

If I have left anyone out, I apologize.  


Pastor Travis 

Charge Conference

This year our annual Charge Conference will be on November 15 at 7:00 pm.  It will be hybrid.  All members of the church are welcome to attend.  A link will be sent out the week of the meeting.

All Saints Sunday

We are celebrating All Saints Sunday on November 6.  If you have anyone whom you would like to be remembered and named in this service, please contact Pastor Travis, tbonnettekim@gmail.com