A note from Pastor Travis 9/9/21

Dear FUMC Family and Friends,

The church’s ministry extends beyond the members of the congregation, serving in the world. As a part of this ministry, we extend an invitation to those who aren’t a part of the church to walk alongside us as we reach out in God’s love. The COVID-19 pandemic has made this work more challenging and has also provided some opportunities. 

Thanks to Cory Allen and Bert Whitter, we have been able to place our worship services on the internet and that has opened doors for our church to connect to new people. Filming our services, monitoring their sound, editing the services, adding videos, and uploading them is a lot of work, and I am thankful for Cory and Bert sharing their skill and time. 

Our mission outreach is another way that we are connecting with people beyond our walls. In 2020 we raised money for Bread of Life and a number of our donations came from outside of the church community. The same has happened with our ministry with Haiti Global Youth Partnership. Following the recent earthquake, Jim Bennett wrote an article for our e-news and the local paper highlighting Haiti Global Youth Partnership and our church’s work with them. It invited people to give. As a result, we have raised $2690 (and counting) for relief aid for L’Asile, Haiti. The majority of this money is from the faithful and generous members of our congregation, of course, but we have also received several generous gifts from people not connected to our church. They have heard about the work we are doing and want to participate. 

Through such efforts as these, we continue to reach beyond the walls of our church and serve, even during a pandemic. This is truly a blessing!  

In Christ,

Pastor Travis