A note from Pastor Travis 9/2/21

Dear FUMC Family and Friends,

This Sunday’s Scripture is the story of the Syrophoenician Woman who argues with Jesus. It is a shocking and controversial story. At first, Jesus refuses to help her, saying, “‘Let the children be fed first, for it is not fair to take the children’s food and throw it to the dogs.” It is hard to imagine Jesus saying such a thing. How could he refuse to help her? How could he compare her to a dog? It is shocking. It isn’t Jesus-like. It is hard to believe that it happened, and even harder to believe that the gospels preserved the story. It seems like something they would want to sweep under the rug. 

Yet, despite how it shows Jesus in a bad light, this story is in the gospels. This means that the gospel writers felt it was an important story for us to hear and consider. There is something, or maybe many things, in it with which we are called to grapple. This Sunday we will spend time reflecting on it, and, perhaps, grappling with it. It may make us uncomfortable as we see Jesus in a different light. It may make us uncomfortable as we are forced to see ourselves in a different light. This makes it even more important to consider.

Join us this Sunday as we consider what the Syrophoenician Woman taught Jesus, and what she has to teach us.

Blessings and Grace,

Pastor Travis