A note from our Pastor 10/26/23

When I was a boy, my parents taught me that we weren’t supposed to talk about money. It was impolite. We didn’t tell people about our own financial situation and we didn’t inquire about their situations. While their intentions were good and, in general, their advice was good, it led to some unexpected consequences. Money became taboo.

I didn’t feel comfortable thinking about money. I felt guilty spending it. I was hesitant in getting advice on how to manage it well. It has taken me a long time and a lot of work to get over these feelings. I still struggle with some of them. 

I am not alone. Over the years, I have encountered a lot of people who have a similar struggle thinking about and talking about money. Jesus didn’t seem to have this same hang up. He mentioned money in 11 of his 39 parables, and about one in every 7 verses in which Jesus is talking, money is mentioned. Now, money isn’t the focus of all these parable and verses, but it isn’t a subject that Jesus shied away from either. Jesus seemed to understand about being in a right relationship with God, ourselves, and others, including being intentional about how we earned, saved, and spent money. When we stop and think about this, it makes sense. 

This Sunday we enter into our Fall Stewardship Program. We will be talking about money and our relationship to it. It may be uncomfortable, but it is important. The church needs money to function. We need money to live out our vision in the world. My hope is that our stewardship program will accomplish two things. It will help us provide the resources we need for the coming year, and it will help us continue to develop our relationship with money in healthy ways. 

This year’s Stewardship Program is going to focus on the founder of the Methodist Church, John Wesley’s advice on money. He said, “Earn all you can; save all you can; give away all you can.” What did he mean by this? I invite you to join us over the next 4 weeks as we reflect on this together. 

Steward Ship Series: Earn, Save, Give 

John Wesley Reflection on Money

Sunday, October 29 – Luke 16:1-9 “God’s Wisdom and Direction” 

Sunday, November 5 — Luke 12:13-31 “Earn all you can…Well, It’s not Quite that Simple” 

Sunday, November 12 — Matthew 25:14-30 “Save all You Can” 

Sunday, November 19 – Stewardship Sunday — Luke 19:1-10, “Give all You Can.” 

During this journey, I ask that you prayerfully consider your pledge for the coming year. Your gifts make our church’s ministry possible. Thanks for your generosity in the past, and for all the ways you give to the church. 


Pastor Travis

Catching up with FUMC !

My time away was good, but I am glad to be back in town with my church community. I missed you. A lot of great things happened while I was gone, including a wonderful Laity Sunday. Thank you to everyone who was involved.

Over the next few weeks the fun continues with opportunities to connect with each other and God. Below, I highlight a few of them:

1. This Sunday at 11:30. Faith Forum: For Questioners, Believers, and

Questioning Believers. We will be looking at the book of Revelation and trying to gain an understanding of what it means and its place in the Bible. Join us for a lively discussion.

2. Sunday, November 5 – All Saint’s Sunday. Join us as we celebrate the saints in our lives who have passed from this life to life eternal.

3. AOK – Our AOK Sunday School program is going to make care packages for our college students. We need addresses. Please send us the address of your college student and give us suggestions of what can be included in the care packages.

4. Sunday, November 19 in-gathering. We will be collecting canned food items for the food pantry.

Blessings and Grace,

Pastor Travis