A note from our Pastor 10/19/23

Something interesting is happening in The Western North Carolina Conference of the United Methodism Church. Let me tell you about it…

As churches in that conference vote to disaffiliate, many of whom are joining the Global Methodist Church, there are people in those congregations who do not wish to leave. They don’t want to be a part of a church that excludes others, or they have been told by those churches that they don’t belong because of who they are or whom they love.

Many of these people long to be part of a church that is welcoming and open. They find that their spirits are fed by the Methodist tradition and wish to remain Methodist. What do they do? 

As a response to this situation, the Western North Carolina Conference has started a program called Light House Churches. These are congregations who are intentional about welcoming new people, especially those who have lost a church home when their congregation disaffiliates. In order for a church to become a Light House Church, it must first vote to become part of the program and then go through training on how to be a welcoming congregation for people who are hurting, angry, and/or grieving. Then the congregations are put in a special database and promoted as welcoming congregations.

The conference has described this program as reaching out to people saying “we first want you to know that we see you. We love you.” 

I find hope in this. Something new is stirring in the United Methodist Church. We have a long way to go. In the sentiment of John Wesley, we are still moving on to perfection. Yet, we are moving. I pray for a time when people see the United Methodist Church as a place of God’s all inclusive and welcoming love. 

Blessings and Grace,

Pastor Travis