A note from Pastor Travis 9/8/22

Dear FUMC Family and Friends,

September is here and things are getting excited around the church! Soon our fall schedule is starting and it is filled with wonderful opportunities. Over the next few weeks, I invite you to pay close attention to announcements in the E-News, so that you can take advantage of the great things that are happening in our church. 

This fall is also a great time to worship with us in person on Sunday mornings at 10:00. Worshiping in person is a great way to reconnect with your church community and to participate in church activities. However, if you worship with us online, you can still participate in many of the things that we do.

Here are some highlights of a few things that will be happening in the next few weeks. More events and activities in the life of the church can be found in additional articles in this newsletter, so be sure to read all of it.

As always, you are encouraged to bring friends and family to any and all activities!

Victorian Fair, Sunday, September 11 – We have a table at the Victorian Fair. We encourage you to come to church dressed for an afternoon at the Victorian Fair! As you take in all of the tables, be sure to stop by our table. Also, we invite you to join us at our table for a portion of the afternoon. This is a great way to meet people and to help them discover what a great church we have!

Homecoming Sunday Mission Program, September 18, 11:00 – Though “Homecoming Sunday” is the traditional title for this Sunday, I prefer the name “Fall Kickoff.” Immediately following worship, we will have a special presentation about The Food Drive by Jana. You will have an opportunity to learn about this important mission and how you can participate. In addition, Jana will lead us in a mission activity for The Food Drive! Please bring homemade cookies for the mission project. (The children will be baking cookies the following Sunday, September 25, during Sunday School. You can read more about this in the children and youth section of the E-news.) Join us in making a difference.

Tuesday Morning Bible Study begins September 27 at 10:30. We invite you to join us on Tuesday mornings for wonderful discussion as we grow together in Bible Study. Bible Study will be held in Emerson Hall.

Blessing of the Animals, Sunday, October 2, at 2:00 – Bring your dogs, your cats, and even your snakes as we bless the animals! If bringing your pet is too difficult then bring a picture of your animal(s).

Confirmation Orientation, Sunday, October 9, at 11:30 – This year Confirmation is open to 7th-9th graders. Join us at Confirmation Orientation to learn about the exciting year that Confirmation has planned. If you would like your youth to participate in Confirmation, please contact me at tbonnettekim@gmail.com. We ask that both parents and youth join us for Orientation.

These are just some of the great things that we are doing this fall. We hope that you can join us!


Pastor Travis