A note from Pastor Travis 6/23/22

Dear FUMC Family and Friends,

Every morning Sandra and I take a 3 mile walk along the same route. I have enjoyed seeing both the subtle and the larger changes along the route from day to day. I have been able to observe several houses in the progress of being built, and I have seen the progress of the seasons. The beautiful fall leaves gave over to the empty trees of winter. I have watched as flowers have emerged from their sleep, and I have been amazed by the variety of flowers, each blooming at different times. I have enjoyed watching the “new” green of early spring deepen to the darker greens of summer. 

One of my goals for this year has been to pay more attention to the world around me and to appreciate each season for its gifts. I admit that it was a challenge on extremely cold days to see those gifts, and as the “dog days” of summer approach, I expect I will have a similar challenge. However, the practice has also deepened my appreciation for creation and has made me feel more connected to it.

This summer, I invite you to take some long walks and spend time looking at the world around you. We live such busy lives. It is easy for us to go through life with our heads down and miss the beauty of God’s creation that is all around us. Research has shown that spending time in nature is healing. Our experiences teach us that it strengthens the soul. This summer, embrace this healing gift from God.

Peace and Grace,

Pastor Travis