A note from Pastor Travis

Dear FUMC Family and Friends,

I hope that you are having a blessed Maundy Thursday. This evening we enter into what Christian Tradition calls the Triduum. The Triduum are the 3 days of our commemoration of Jesus’ passion. The Triduum begins at sundown on Maundy Thursday and ends at sundown on Easter. This set of services are seen as one commemoration divided into different services. We begin by gathering with Jesus for the Last Supper and end with the joy of the Empty Tomb.

We invite you to join us in worship for this holy time.

           Maundy Thursday – this evening at 7pm

           Good Friday – tomorrow evening at 7pm

           Easter – Sunday morning at 10 followed by an Easter Egg 

Hunt at 11:15.

We also encourage you to bring family and friends.


Pastor Travi