A note from Pastor Travis 2/10/22

Dear FUMC Family and Friends,

One of the strengths of this congregation is its dedication to missions. We are a church that deeply cares about our world and invests its time, energy, and resources making a difference in people’s lives. We do this both locally and globally. One of the ways that you can make a difference to those in our surrounding communities is by making meals for The Food Drive. The Food Drive has a freezer in our church kitchen in which they store emergency dinners for those in need. It is a resource that is constantly being used. The way it works is that people are invited to cook a meal, label it, and place it in the freezer, and when there is a need, Jana Gimenez, or someone else from The Food Drive, retrieves the food to distribute to those in need. You may be surprised how often these meals are used. It seems every time the freezer gets filled it is emptied again. 

Charlie Rhuda has purchased to-go containers and placed them in our church kitchen. You are invited to take some of the containers, fill them with a prepared meal, and bring them back to the freezer in the church. If a group wants to make meals together, then they can schedule a time to use our church kitchen to make some meals. It is our hope to keep the freezer full.

Mission Volunteers

The church is looking for people who have energy and passion to join our mission task force. If you would like to be more involved, let Pastor Travis know.

Ash Wednesday

Ash Wednesday Service will be on Wednesday, March 2, at 7 pm. You can join us in person or online. We invite you to enter into Lent with us through our Ash Wednesday service.   

Pastor Travis