A note from Pastor Travis 2/3/22

Dear FUMC Family and Friends,

Needham doesn’t have single stream recycling nor curbside pickup for its recycling. Thus, for the first time in many years I dutifully separate my recycling by category and once a week take it to the recycling center. I found this weekly trip a nuisance at first, and never seemed to have time to fit it in. However, now I have worked it into my routine and it is easy.

Over the last few months of separating my recycling and hauling it to the center, I have learned some things about our family. Recycling has always been one of our family values, and we do a good job recycling the things that are eligible. We even do a fairly decent job of reusing things before they make it into the recycle bin. However, we do a lousy job at reducing our footprint. Each week, I am amazed by how full our recycle bins are. This is something I didn’t notice when I put my recycling into a large trashcan sized container and rolled it out to the corner. However, loading the bins into the car and emptying them into the appropriate containers at the recycling center have made me aware of just how much paper, plastic, and metal we use each week. We need to cut back on how much we use.

This has also made me more aware of the amount of trash we contribute to the landfill. Last week, my backpack broke, and I went and bought a new one. When I got home, I threw the old one into the trash. As I did, I paused and wondered what I could do with it instead of sending it to the landfill. I am slowly becoming more aware of my habits and how much I consume.

As we move closer to Lent, which is only a month away, I am considering developing some kind of personal fast to reduce my consumption. I am not sure what that will look like, but when I work out the details, I will share it with you. It may be a discipline that you want to try, too. (By the same token, please share your practices and ideas with me).

One of the things that our church does that allows people to repurpose items and keep them out of the landfill is our yard sale. We will be holding two collection dates to receive items that are in good shape for our next yard sale, on February 27 and March 27, 11am-1pm. On those dates you can also bring cans to be redeemed.

I really miss single stream, curbside recycling, but having to take a few extra steps to recycle has taught me something about myself. I am glad for the learning, and I appreciate how it can teach me to be a better citizen of our earth. I am also thankful for a church family that helps me be more faithful. You are a blessing.

Grace and Peace,

Pastor Travis