A note from Pastor Travis 12/30/21

A note from Pastor Travis 12/30/21
Photo by Poan studio on <a href="https://www.pexels.com/photo/opened-diary-with-pencil-placed-on-desk-5797898/" rel="nofollow">Pexels.com</a>

Dear FUMC Family and Friends,

As a new year begins, our thoughts turn to New Year’s Resolutions. Each year we make resolutions: some we fulfill, others make the list again the following year. The most popular resolutions are to lose weight, get in shape, and improve finances. Other popular resolutions include spending more time with family and stopping bad habits, such as smoking. These are all good ideas and keeping such resolutions will improve the quality of our lives. Yet, how often do we make resolutions to strengthen our spiritual lives? This year I encourage you to include on your list of resolutions things that will grow your spirit and strengthen your relationship with God.

People often struggle to fulfill their resolutions. It is hard to make life changes and develop new habits. However, it is always easier when you have others to support and encourage you. This is the blessing of the church. We are a community that understands that we are on the journey together. There are people who will stand with you in this journey. There are people who have made similar commitments, and who understand your struggles. You are not alone.

This coming year is filled with opportunities. It is a chance to grow in your faith. Together, through study and service, we can strengthen our relationship with God. I invite you to join me in making this resolution and discovering what a blessing life can be.

Grace and Peace,

Pastor Travis