A note from Pastor Travis 9/16/21

Dear FUMC Family and Friends,

September is here and our fall program year is beginning. This Sunday is our “Fall Kickoff,” and I am excited about the things that we have in store this year. We still face many restrictions and obstacles because of the pandemic, but we are finding creative ways to navigate them. 

Today’s E-News contains some of the opportunities that are unfolding over the next few weeks (I especially encourage you to read about the upcoming Blessing of the Animals). I hope that you are able to join us for some of these opportunities. Be sure to check the E-News in the coming weeks as we share more ministry opportunities with you.

Today, I want to highlight our mission opportunity for this Sunday. Following worship, we will be gathering to sort fresh fruit and vegetables for the McCarthy Apartments. The items will be delivered on Monday. The residents of the McCarthy Apartments haven’t had the opportunity to receive fresh fruit and vegetables in a while, so this will be a special blessing for them.

We will be sorting the items outside, in front of the church, as both a safety precaution and as a witness to the community. — Who is First UMC? We are a community who reaches out to our neighbors and the world, embodying Jesus’ love in concrete ways.

We are asking everyone to bring some items to include in the collection. 

Needed Items:

Apples, Peppers, Carrots, Potatoes, Onions, Sweet Potatoes, Pears, and Zucchini.

See you on Sunday!


Pastor Travis