A note from Pastor Travis 06/24/21

Dear FUMC Family and Friends,

As you may be aware, our church has entered into a partnership with The Food Drive, a Melrose-based, community-driven food rescue nonprofit, that has been founded by two of our church members, Jana and Tony Gimenez. I am very excited about our partnership. It is an important way for our church to engage in ministry with our surrounding communities, providing a needed service which address food insecurity on both the practical and systemic levels. It is an important ministry of justice which helps us live more fully into our call from Christ to embody the love of God in the world.

Jana and I have already had some wonderful conversations about the potential for this ministry. However, in order for our partnership to be effective, we need church members who will work on a Church Food Drive Team. This team will work closely with The Food Drive to develop our partnership. However, they will not have to do all of the work. Rather, they will help provide opportunities for the entire church to engage in this ministry.

If you would like to be a part of this team or learn more about what being a team member entails, please email me at tbonnettekim@gmail.com

Blessings and Grace,

Pastor Travis