A Note from Pastor Travis 2/4/21

Dear FUMC Family and Friends,
 My wife, Sandra, and I approach the cold and snow differently. She grew up in Montreal, where it gets really cold and the snow starts early and piles high. I grew up in Louisiana, where it isn’t very cold (its 60 degrees in my hometown as I write this article) and rarely snows. Sandra doesn’t think it gets cold very often in Boston. She talks about waiting outside for the bus to go to school in -30 degrees Celsius (-22 Fahrenheit). She misses all that snow and gets excited for big snowstorms. Shortly after moving here she gave away her Canadian winter coat because it never gets cold enough for her to wear it.   

Ironically, she gave it to my mom, who wears it all the time in Mississippi! Which brings me to my approach to winter. Each year I have to readjust to the cold. I like the fact that New England has 4 distinct seasons, but despite living in the north for 29 years, my body hasn’t gotten used to the cold. The same is true for snow. I enjoy the snow, but for me it is still a novelty. I have lived in the north for over half my life, but I am still amazed when I see snow (except when I am shoveling it).   

This reminds me that different life experiences create different perspectives. It is important to listen to each other and to acknowledge our differences. Hearing each other’s story helps create understanding and honors our diversity. It reminds us of the beauty of the diversity of our world and teaches us to appricate its blessing. 

February is Black History month. It reminds us of the blessing of the diversity of the world and the variety of experiences and perspectives in our nation. We celebrate this diversity and the blessing it is from God.   

Where have you experienced the beauty of this diversity? Where has someone else’s experience enriched your life or your understanding of the world? How do you celebrate that diversity? 

Blessings and Grace, 

Pastor Travis