A Message from Staff Parish Relations

Dear friends,

Bishop Sudarshana Devadhar has decided to appoint Pastor Travis Bonnete-Kim to serve our church upon Pastor Stacey’s retirement in July. The Staff Parish Relations Committee met with District Superintendent We Hyun Chang on Monday, January 14th in the evening. At that meeting, we had an opportunity to meet with Pastor Travis and discuss our goals for ministry together in Melrose. We believe that God’s spirit is at work in this appointment. Pastor Travis brings experience and energy that appears well suited to our faith community at the present time. While we regret saying “goodbye” to Stacey, we feel that we will be in good hands moving forward in ministry to God’s people in Melrose. Pastor Travis has submitted the following brief biography, which I am happy to share. If there are any questions or concerns of any kind during this me of transition, please contact any member of the Leadership Team or Pastor Stacey.

Tom Stewart, SPRC Chairperson