September at FUMC

Dear friends,

As the seasons change and we settle into new routines, we welcome you to a new program year at First United Methodist Church. We shape our program with you in mind -opportunities to learn and grow in your relationship to God, to serve others and to find hope and meaning for the life that God offers to you. We look forward to working with you to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the the transformation of the world.

In Christ, the FUMC staff:

Stacey, Sarah, Andrew, Beth, Ray and Elle

*A note about bible study:  The Tuesday study group will be studying  First and Second Thessalonians are the earliest writings in the New Testament. Our present day US context is almost the opposite of the situation of the church in 50 AD, and yet the words that Paul wrote to that church have meaning for us at times when we wonder if there’s any hope for the future.

Join us on Tuesdays, 11-12:30 in the library, beginning September 25.