A Lenten note from Pastor Stacey

Dear friends,

Lent is a me in our lives and in the church for listening… listening to God, listening to others, listening to our own hearts. Listening, really listening, is hard work. There’s so much noise that gets in our way, so many intrusions that interrupt. Sometimes when we try to listen to another person, our mind gets crowded with “what am I going to say next?” And often when we try to quiet our minds to listen to God, we are overcome with a thousand distractions – worries, regrets, hurts – not to mention our long “to-do” lists. Sometimes listening seems like just sitting there – not doing anything. And yet, when we try to listen well, we find that it requires all the energy and attention we have in us.

What are the ways that you listen to God? A mindful, prayerful walk through a barren winter landscape? Listening for God’s word in the voice of another person? Reading a devotional book? Talking about your faith with someone – a friend, perhaps, or being a part of a small faith group? Looking for signs of Jesus in the people you meet – especially those who are needy in some way? Taking time for prayer or meditation or another spiritual practice?

I encourage you to nd a few minutes during the day to listen to God, in some way. Who knows what you might hear?

In Christ,
