A note from Pastor Travis 12/15/22
Two of the Gospels record the birth of Jesus: Luke and Matthew. Luke is the one with which we are most familiar. It is the more poetic of the two stories, and it is the one most often read at …
Two of the Gospels record the birth of Jesus: Luke and Matthew. Luke is the one with which we are most familiar. It is the more poetic of the two stories, and it is the one most often read at …
Dear FUMC Family and Friends, September is here and things are getting excited around the church! Soon our fall schedule is starting and it is filled with wonderful opportunities. Over the next few weeks, I invite you to pay close attention to …
Dear FUMC Family and Friends, Like many of you, I have been enthralled by the photos released by NASA from the James Webb Space Telescope. They are stunning to see, but what captivates me is that some of the images are …
On our very busy Pentecost Sunday, we also blessed the Progress Pride Flag that we recently hung from our church’s bell tower. Come walk or drive by the church to see it! Below is the blessing that we said over …
Rev. Oleg and all those with him in Ukraine are very appreciative of our ongoing prayers and financial support. Sarah Goodloe offered a small update: “I thought I’d try to send this video that Oleg shared with me. It’s in (heavily …
Our services are now live streamed. You can access them at this link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCs9NaZyiEx2FLdUWmAwWYMw The link takes you to our YouTube channel, where you can also view videos of our past services. When a service is in progress, you will …
I hope all is well. We know it has been a while since we last spoke, so we wanted to update you on what we have been up to. As of this week, 2 schools have been built. The first, …
Letter from Haiti Global Youth Partnership 2/24/22 Read more »
Dear FUMC Family and Friends, One of the strengths of this congregation is its dedication to missions. We are a church that deeply cares about our world and invests its time, energy, and resources making a difference in people’s lives. We do …
Calling all young artists! Would your child like to participate in a special Valentine’s Day project with the church? This can be done 100% remotely, and is a way to spread some love throughout the cold winter months. Please contact …
As we move deeper into winter, the possibility of a snow or ice storm on a Sunday morning increases. If we need to cancel in-person Sunday services due to weather, we will send that message via email, post it on …