A note from Pastor Travis 10/7/21

Dear FUMC Family and Friends,

Fall is my favorite season. I love the colors, the flavors, the holidays, and the refreshing crisp air. Though it has always been my favorite season, living in New England has increased my love for it. There is nothing like a crisp fall day in New England. Though the heat lingered longer and the colors are coming later this year, fall has arrived and, with it, all the blessings of the season. 

Fall is also a very busy season. The long, slow days of summer are over and our schedules are crammed with responsibilities. As a result, it is easy to miss all of the gifts of the season. We can get so caught up in our responsibilities that we forget to stop and enjoy the fall. I know more than once I have felt like I have been so busy that I missed much of the season. I may have taken a moment or two to look at the beautiful trees or gone apple picking, but they were just brief pauses from a life-pace that didn’t allow me to really appreciate the wonder of fall. Have you ever felt that way?

I have found that I need to build into my schedule moments each day to stop and be present to the world around me. In those moments I sit quietly with a cup of tea and look out a window or I take a walk in a wooded area and listen to the sounds. I used to feel guilty about doing these things. They seemed like a form of procrastination. However, I have learned that they are healing moments that revive my spirit. They allow me to put things into perspective and return to my to-do list reenergized. They are moments of grace.

I find that this is true of worship too. It gives me time to reflect on the past week and recharges me for the week ahead. It puts my life into perspective, reminding me that I am not the center of the universe, and allows me to exhale and rest in God. This grounds me and attunes my spirit to the places in life where grace and joy exist. Our lives are stressful and our problems can feel overwhelming. Worship opens our hearts to the abiding presence of God in a way that allows us to connect more fully to the divine presence in those moments of stress. It doesn’t cure all our ills but it is a much-needed salve. 

Thank you for being a part of my worshipping community. I joyfully anticipate worshipping with you each week, whether it is in person or online. If you haven’t joined us for worship in a while, I invite you to reconnect to our worshipping community and to the ways that it opens you to God. It will bless you.

In Christ,

Pastor Travis