A note from Pastor Travis 12/1/22
In my senior year of college my close friend Craig and I decided to get an apartment. We found a great little apartment that was both close to school and in our price range. We were excited to move out of the dorm. However, in our excitement, we forgot one thing – we didn’t have any furniture! We tried to buy some, but we soon realized that after our deposit and first and last month’s rent we didn’t have enough money to buy even a coffee table. However, we came up with a plan. We each brought a sleeping bag and two folding lawn chairs from home and set them up in our new apartment. It wasn’t much, but it would do.
About a week after school started, Craig was invited to speak at the United Methodist Women (UMW) Annual Tea at the church where he was an intern. After he spoke, one of the UMW members asked him if he needed anything. Craig told them about our apartment situation and said that if anyone had an old mattress that he could use, it would be great. One woman spoke up and said that she had a bed. Then another woman said she had an old couch we could use. Then another woman spoke up offering another piece of furniture, and before he left the Tea, Craig had been given enough furniture to fill both of our bedrooms, our living room, and even a table for the kitchen!
From that day on, I have never doubted the power and resourcefulness of the United Methodist Women. First UMC of Melrose has had a wonderful UMW, which has blessed our church over the years. They have served faithfully, supporting the mission and ministry of our congregation. I celebrate its ministry and the ministry of the organizations that preceded the UMW. However, recently the UMW Board of our church voted to disband. It was a hard decision, but a faithful one. The time had come. Therefore, today (November 30) is that last day of the UMW at First United Methodist Church of Melrose. Though there will no longer be a UMW, the ministry of those faithful women who served as part of it will continue. As a small way to honor all those who have participated in the UMW and its preceding organizations, we are inviting them to stand together and light the Advent Candle this Sunday in worship.
If you have served as a member of the UMW or its predecessors in our congregation or an any church, please join us this Sunday in the lighting of the Advent Candle. Thank you to all those who have participated in the UMW. You have enriched my ministry. You are a blessing.
Peace and Grace,
Pastor Travis
We are a Trolley Stop (well, kind-of) — On Saturday, December 3 we are participating in Home For the Holidays. The trolley will stop a little down from the church but we are in the Chamber of Commerce’s publicity. Our church will be a stop for hot chocolate to warm people up on a cold day. We will also be collecting hat, scarfs and mittens. So, if you are out enjoying the celebration, be sure to stop by and have some Hot Chocolate. Also, we are looking for people to join me in serving hot chocolate. We will be here from 10-2, so join us in sharing our church with the community!
Hanging of the Greens -This Sunday, December 4, we will be blessing the greens in the sanctuary during morning worship service. Join us as we prepare our sanctuary for the Advent and Christmas seasons.
Giving Tree – This year we will be collecting board games, hats, scarfs, and mittens for our giving tree. We invite you to bring your gifts to the church and place them under the tree in the hall. They will be shared with those in need.
Christmas Eve Choir – Our Christmas Eve celebration will begin with music! We are inviting you to join the Christmas Eve Choir, which will sing prior to the Christmas Eve Service from 5-6p.m. and participate in the Christmas Eve Service at 6:00. If you would like to participate, there will be one rehearsal on Sunday, December 11 following morning worship. Everyone is invited to join in the fun!
Christmas Day is on a Sunday! – Sunday, December 25 will be an extra special service. We know that it will be a full day with family and friends, so we are inviting the children to come in their pajamas (or their Christmas best, whatever you want!) for the service. We will be blessing the toys that our children got on Christmas morning. We are inviting each person to bring one special gift that they would like blessed.
Stewardship – Our Stewardship Drive is off to a wonderful start! If you have already submitted your pledge, thank you! If you have not, then you can mail it to the church or use the following QR code to make your pledge online.