Help Ukraine

Rev. Oleg and all those with him in Ukraine are very appreciative of our ongoing prayers and financial support. Sarah Goodloe offered a small update: “I thought I’d try to send this video that Oleg shared with me. It’s in (heavily accented) English but gives people a sense of what the church’s response has been.” The video can be accessed from our church’s Google Drive at this link
Financial donations are still very much needed so that the churches in Ukraine can continue to assist those in desperate circumstances. Thank you!
Many of you will remember Sarah Goodloe, who was previously the Christian Education Director at our church. She has written to us with a personal request for assistance for people in Ukraine. She has been in touch with Rev. Oleg Starodubets, the District Superintendent of Ukraine for the UMC in Eurasia, who is currently with his family in Lviv after fleeing from their home in Kyiv. Rev. Oleg is attempting to raise money to meet the urgent needs of refugees in the area who require money in US dollars in order to obtain food, clothing, and housing.
The best way to get money directly to the UMC’s work in Ukraine right now is through Western Union. Normal channels for The Advance go through Moscow, which is simply not viable currently, but here are three ways you can get funds to Lviv Ukraine quickly:
1. Send it directly from your bank to Oleg’s bank (contact Sarah at for his account details)
2. Venmo it to @Sarah-Rakhmankulova to be included in her next Western Union transfer (So far, she has connected with colleagues and her parents’ church and been able to send $2,000, but that’s just 1 cent per person, each of whom needs at least 2 meals a day.)
3. Send it directly to Ukraine through Western Union with the info below:
First name: Oleg
Last Name: Starodubets
Country: Ukraine
Currency: USD [Note: Must be in US Dollars, or his bank will reject the transfer.]
Phone: +380 98 382 9150
**If you send this directly to Oleg, please send him an email to let him know of the transaction and the MTCN, which will come on your confirmation of sending the funds.**
Thank you! Sarah welcomes hearing from you directly, so please email her if you would like! She has also requested prayers for Oleg, Volodya Prokip (who is the senior pastor of the UMC in Lviv), and all the people of Ukraine.