Children & Family Social Gathering !

Children & Family Social Gathering !

Children and Family Social Gathering Saturday, July 24!

Families, children, and youth are invited to attend a fun summer social event at the parsonage in the evening of July 24. The backyard space will be open starting at 6:30 pm, and we will have s’mores and games. This is a way to stay in touch with each other and make new connections after a time away.

RSVPs are helpful since we will have food and need to know how much to provide. Further details will be sent in an email to families. 

And, just as a reminder, we are continuing to offer Children’s Time each Sunday during worship for those who attend in person. You are always welcome to come if you are able. We are planning for the return of more formal Sunday School and youth activities in the fall. In the meantime, if you have ideas for activities you and your children would like to participate in, please contact Jayleigh (