A note from Stacey

Dear friends,

On May 15 we celebrated Pentecost, the day we recognize the presence and power of the Holy Spirit in the church.

The story of Pentecost in Acts 2 reminds us that not everyone recognizes the Spirit at work in the world – some are confused or cynical or look for a more “logical” explanation.  But for those who have eyes to see, the Spirit is at work today just as it was in the early days of the church.  Part of growing as a Christian is developing those eyes of faith that can discern what God is doing among us.

We can surely see that God’s Spirit is at work as we celebrate reaching our Bread of Life Mission Goal.  We celebrate that Spirit as babies are baptized, new members are received, children fill the aisles for the children’s time, people are supported in times of illness and grief.

But we can also see that same Spirit at work in the city of Melrose as the “White People Challenging Racism: Moving from Talk to Action” group that started here has grown and expanded – over 40 people have now taken the class and have made action plans.  Many are meeting together monthly to support each other in making a difference in our city.  A class will be offered Tuesdays in August from 7-9 pm at ReMax on Main Street, and another session will begin in the fall – Jane Allen has the details (janeappleyardallen@gmail.com or (781) 665-0951).

So also I believe God’s Spirit is at work as we look for new ways of being the church, to creating a sustainable financial future, to using our buildings.  We believe we are being guided by the Spirit which moves us forward, sometimes in ways that we don’t understand.  But we work to stay open to the Spirit so we can join in God’s work wherever it is happening.

Where do you see God’s Spirit at work in the world? What new thing is God doing that you observe?

Keep your spiritual eyes open!
