Autumn 2024 Activities @ FUMC Melrose

We are excited to be back together again this autumn after a lovely summer break. We hope everyone had a terrific summer with the chance to rest, relax, catch some sun and enjoy some yummy frozen treats! We have lots of plans for this fall and we hope you’ll join us… and bring a friend or two! Plenty of opportunities for worship and service this fall.


Victorian Fair –September 8 —  We will once again be participating in the Victorian Fair.  This is an opportunity for us to share the great things that are going on in our church with the wider community.  We need people who are willing to join us at our table.  It is easy.  All you are asked to do is sit at the table for an hour or so and talk to people who stop by.  You also get to pet lots of dogs and see the happy faces of children as they paint rocks.

AOK Children’s Program – September 15.  During worship, our children will have an opportunity to work on a mission project.  It will be a lot of fun, so make sure you bring your children and grandchildren.  It will be a good Sunday to invite friends and neighbors.

Chancel Choir – September 15 –  The first rehearsal of the fall will be before worship on the 15th.  Everyone is invited to join in.  You do not need to be able to read music to participate.  All you need is a love of music.

Health kits, September 15 — We will be assembling United Methodist Committee on Relief emergency health hits on the 15th to be sent to areas that experience natural disasters.  We need to gather the supplies beforehand.  This means that we need to start collecting items now (we only have 4 Sundays to gather these supplies).  The health kits are relatively inexpensive, costing about $12 per kit.  

If you don’t have time to buy the needed supplies, we will take donations and others will do the shopping for you.

Needed supplies:

One hand towel (15 x 25 –17 x 27 inches)

No kitchen, cleaning, or microfiber towels

One washcloth

No kitchen, cleaning, or microfiber towels

One comb

Must be sturdy with at least 4-7 inches of teeth

No pocket combs or picks

Rattail and combs without handles are acceptable but must have at least 4-7 inches of teeth

One toenail or fingernail clipper

No emery boards or metal nail files

Bath-size soap (3 oz. bar or larger)

No Ivory or Jergen’s soap

Do not remove from packaging

One adult toothbrush

Do not remove from packaging

Personal advertising not acceptable

10 adhesive bandages (¾ by 3 inches)

Common household bandages acceptable   

As you can see, you can often buy supplies that can be used in more than one kit.

Please note that they ask us NOT to include toothpaste in the kits.  

Here are some other directions that they give us:

•         All items must be new.

•         Do not wash any of the items as they will no longer be considered new.

•         Do not include any personal notes, money or additional materials in the kits.

•         Contents of kits or the containers of kits should not be imprinted with cartoon characters, advertisements, religious, patriotic, military or camouflage symbols.

This mission project is a great way to introduce guests to the work and mission of our church, so please invite family and friends to come on that day. 

Our goal is to assemble at least 50 kits, but I bet that we can do more than that!

If you cannot go out and buy the supplies, we will take cash donations and have someone in the church do the shopping.

Tuesday Morning Bible Study – Begins September 17 at 10:30 –   This is a great time of fellowship, support, prayer, and study.  All are welcome to join us.

Youth Group Corn Maize Trip – September 22.  I can’t wait!  On the 22nd we will be visiting a corn maze, followed by a conversation about future activities.  Youth group is open for all youth 6th-12thgrade, and is the perfect place to invite friends to come.  You will be receiving more information about the corn maze in the coming weeks, so keep your ears and eyes open!


Blessing of the Animals — October 6 — 1:00.  Share this news with family and friends, so that they can have their animals blessed too!

MAAV Walk – October . 4, 4:00-6:00  We are participating in the Melrose Alliance Against Violence walk.  If you would like to join our team, let the church office know,