A note from Pastor Travis 7/25/24

You are reading this article on July 25. However, Kate and I are away on the mission trip, so I wrote this article on July 16. However, I am sure that we are having a great time on mission trip and are doing a lot of good in your name. Your generous giving has made it possible for us to go on the trip. 

Each time you put money in the offering plate you are changing the world! 

Check out the church Facebook page to get updates on what we are doing on the mission trip and to see how you are changing the world for God.

This coming Sunday, July 28th, we will be worshiping at First Baptist Church as part of the Union Service. It will be the last Sunday of Union Services this year, and we will be back in our building for August. 

In past years, the prospect of sitting in a hot sanctuary for an hour may have prevented you from joining us for worship during these hot days of summer. But not this year. We have air conditioning! 

Join us for worship in August to both cool down your body and to warm your spirit as we celebrate the love of God in our midst.


Pastor Travis