A note from Pastor Travis 5/16/24

This Sunday is Pentecost and we are celebrating the birth of the Church by living out its mission. At Pentecost, the disciples spoke in a variety of languages, so that each one there could understand the Gospel message in their own language, the language of their soul. Through this, Pentecost celebrated the universal nature of God’s saving love, and called those who would become the Church to be in community and ministry with each other, cross of language and ethnicity.

I cannot think of a better way to honor the spirit of Pentecost than to pair it with a celebration of Haitian Flag Day Potluck. Through our potluck we will be reminded of our connection to other Christians in other places and we will be able to raise money to help school children in L’asile. The Potluck will be right after worship, so plan to stay and enjoy a meal with your church family. Don’t forget to bring a dish to pass and invite a friend! 

Don’t forget to mark your calendars for our special events in June:

On June 9 we have two special events. The first is Graduation Sunday. We will be celebrating everyone who is graduating from high school, college, or a technical program. If you have a graduate that you would like to have named in the service, please let the church office know. 

In the afternoon we will have a special guest speaker, Max Sklar. Max is an Episcopal priest who has a Jewish father and a Christian mother. He is employed by the Episcopal Church Office of Global Partnerships. In the summer and fall of 2023 he was living and working with a Palestinian Christian community first in Jerusalem and then in Ramallah, West Bank. Max will be reflecting on his experiences in Palestine. He will explore the history and current Palestinian reality through his personal testimony & reflections. He has deep respect for both the Israeli and the Palestinian communities, and it will be a very respectful conversation. 

On June 23 we are celebrating our 12th anniversary as a Reconciling Church, and what a celebration it will be. We will have a special guest preacher and have a book study on The Every-Expansive Spirit of God, by Bishop Peggy Johnson. Bishop Johnson and her wife Mary will join us by Zoom to discuss the book.


Pastor Travis