A note from Pastor Travis 11/11/21
Dear FUMC Family and Friends,
Over the past month in worship, we have been reflecting on our blessings and asking the question, “how can we live in such a way that we embrace our blessings?” As I reflect on my own life, I realize that there are 3 things that I need to do to more fully appreciate the gifts that God has given me. First, I need to slow down. I need to take more time each day to be present in the moment and breathe in the blessings that surround me. Second, I need to say “thank you” more. I need to let those around me know how much I appreciate them, and I need to thank God more frequently for the gifts in my life. Third, I need to share my blessings with others. As we have discussed in worship, the blessings that God gives us are not meant for our use alone. They are given to us so that we can use them to bless others. This is the part of celebrating our blessings that people often forget, but it is vital.
It has long been the tradition that people of faith respond to the blessings in their lives by giving a portion back to God. Returning a portion of our gifts back to God is an act of trust that the God who has provided for us in the past will continue to do so in the future. More than that, it is a recognition that we are the stewards of the gifts that God has given us, not their owner. They are given to us to accomplish God’s will in the world.
Each day, as we reflect on our blessings, we are invited to take a moment to say “thank you” to God and to consider how we will return a portion of our blessings back to God. We are invited to prayerfully consider our pledges, and on Sunday, November 21, make a pledge to the church that reflects our gratitude to God.
Grace and Peace,
Pastor Travis