A note from Pastor Travis 10/14/21

Dear FUMC Family and Friends,

One of the wonderful things about the Methodist tradition is that we recognize and honor the ministry of our laypeople. We firmly believe that everyone is called into ministry by their baptism, and that everyone has gifts for ministry. Our congregation embraces the ministry of the entire congregation. We are filled with talented people who share countless hours in service to God through our church. I am grateful for our members and all that you do for the church.

This Sunday is Laity Sunday. On this Sunday we celebrate the laity of the church. We celebrate you and your ministry. An important part of this celebration is that a member of the congregation plans the service and shares the sermon. This year, Bert, our new Lay Leader, has planned the service and will be sharing the sermon. We invite you to join us for this service as we share God’s love and honor your ministry.


Pastor Travis