A note from Pastor Travis 6/17/21
Dear FUMC Family and Friends,
As you know, traditionally many of the churches in Melrose hold Union services in July, where each church hosts the other congregations for a Sunday. This year, due to a number of issues around COVID-19, the churches decided not to hold Union Services. However, this does not mean that there will not be an opportunity for you to attend worship this summer. Our church will be holding worship ever Sunday this summer. It will be a joy to gather for worship and celebrate God’s love in our sanctuary.
I am looking forward to gathering with you each Sunday. If you have not yet felt comfortable joining in our in-person worship this spring, I understand. Every family needs to do what is best for them. However, I invite you to think about worshiping in-person this summer. We are working hard to provide a safe worship environment, including paying close attention to CDC guidelines. If you have any questions about our in-person worship policies, please let me know.
Grace and Peace,
Pastor Travis