A note from Pastor Travis 2/25/21
Dear FUMC Family and Friends,
It is 50 degrees out! Can you believe it? There are signs of spring all around. Now, I have lived in New England long enough to know that winter isn’t done. There are still cold days ahead, and likely, do I dare say it, more snow. Yet, it is easier to deal with the winter weather knowing that spring is on the way.
With the quickly approaching spring, Easter is getting closer too. As we move through Lent there are some important things that are coming up, that we don’t want to miss. Here are some of the things that you need to know:
Easter Flowers:Even though we will not be in-person for Easter worship, we are going to have flowers. We will use them when we record the Easter Sunday video and then have them available for you to pick up. When you purchase a flower, you can designate them in memory or honor of people. The list of those to whom the flowers are dedicated will be shared in the Easter worship and on the church’s social media. The lilies and tulips are $12, with the small profit made on each one going to our Haitian ministry to support schools in L’Asile Haiti. If you do not wish to purchase a flower but would like to donate the $12 to our Haiti Mission in honor or memory of someone, you may do so. Those names will be included in our remembrance on Easter. A link to an electronic form to order the flowers or make a donation will be sent by Constant Contact to you soon, so keep an eye out.
Trivia Night:
The Haitian Mission Team is hosting a Zoom Trivia Night Fundraiser on March 12. We’ll open the zoom at 7pm and trivia will begin at 7:30pm. It will be a fun opportunity for fellowship for a good cause. A link will be sent to you the week of March 7. Join us for the fun!
Lenten Study:
Our Lenten Study has started but it not too late to join us! We meet every Wednesday at 7:00 pm. We are using the short book Get A Life! (Experiencing the Blessings of the Beatitudes of Jesus for Today), by Ted Creen You can purchase the book at Amazon, Cokesbury, or from christianbook.com.
Here is a link to buy it from Christian Book Distributors:
Even if you don’t have a book, you can join us. The Zoom link for the study is:
Grace and Peace,
Pastor Travis