Welcome to our new Director of Children’s and Family Ministries!

Jayleigh Lewis is our new Director of Children’s and Family Ministry.  She will be starting on Sunday, October 18.  On that Sunday, we are holding a social distance, outside welcoming party on the church lawn at 11:00, so that you and she can get to know each other. All are invited. What to learn a little about Jayleigh?   Below is an introduction to her, in her own words: 

I am honored to be joining you as the new Director of Children’s and family Ministry. I have been pursuing a call to ministry for many
years, although only recently in a more formal way. I was born and
raised in New Jersey, and have lived in southern New England for the
past two decades. I moved to the Boston area two years ago and
continue to enjoy living here. I have a background in human services
(my first Master’s degree, earned twelve years ago, was in Holistic
Counseling) and I have worked at various times as a clinical
therapist, a spiritual advisor to college students, an employment
specialist in an adult education program, a summer camp counselor, a
communications consultant (newsletters and social media), and a
freelance writer. I graduated last year from Boston University School
of Theology with a Master of Divinity degree, concentration in
Pastoral Ministry.

I love learning and reading (I still read theology books in my spare
time!), but I also love getting to know people of all ages and
listening to your stories. I believe everyone has a sacred story that
interweaves with the great story of God, as we know it from the Bible
and millennia of Christian tradition. I have had a lot of fun coming
up with creative ways to embody these stories within the
multigenerational Episcopal congregation where I have been a member
for six years, and I am looking forward to continuing to do so within
this congregation. I believe God is always speaking to us through the
things that happen in our lives, and that when we offer up our own
stories in the context of worship and liturgy, we are speaking back to
our Creator and Redeemer in joyful dialogue.

I am really excited to see where God is leading the children and
families of this congregation. (No matter what our age or what kind of
family we have, we are all children of God and part of the family of
God.) For the chronologically young-the children and youth-I hope to
be an engaged listener and supporter as you discover your faith and as
you tell us your own stories of God. For those who raise, guide, and
teach the children and youth-whether in your own household, the larger
congregation, or out in the world-I hope to assist you in your work
and your play. All people and all perspectives are needed. I am
looking forward to learning and growing along with you.