A message from Travis, September 17, 2020
Dear church family and friends,
On my morning walk this morning, I was noticing how many trees are beginning to turn red. It is subtle, just a few leaves or, perhaps, a branch or two of leaves are turning while the other leaves are still green. The weather is cooler in the mornings too. Today, I opted for a sweatshirt for my walk. Fall is on its way. It feels strange. Most years, we marvel about how quickly summer came and went, and fall seems to sneak up on us. However, this year lacks many of the markers that note the arrival of fall. The beginning of the school year seems more gradual. We didn’t have our big celebration for the beginning of our fall worship and Sunday School year last week. There wasn’t even an NFL pre-season. Yet, fall is here, all the same.
The changing of the season is an opportunity for people to adopt new spiritual practices or to renew spiritual habits that may have shifted during our summer schedule. In the next few weeks, we will be introducing some exciting adult educational opportunities. Some of them will focus on growing through leaning about our faith, and others will focus on growing through practicing spiritual disciplines. In the next few weeks, I encourage you to check the e-news and the church website for announcements about these study opportunities and sign up for one. They will be a gift to your spirit this fall.
Blessings and Grace,
Pastor Travis