A note from Pastor Travis 2-6-25

One of the things that I love about the Gospels is the picture they give us of the disciples. Peter, John, James and the rest, don’t have it all together. On the contrary, they seem to get it wrong more than they get it right. They don’t understand Jesus’ parables, they seem to forget his teachings, and they really don’t understand what it means that Jesus is the Messiah.

Yet, for all of their missteps, they are faithful. They continue to follow Jesus, working hard to understand everything. There are times when you can see the light go on in their minds, and another piece of the puzzle falls into place. Slowly but surely, Jesus’ patience and persistence pays off, and by the time Jesus ascends into heaven, they are ready, even if they still have their misgivings, to take over the responsibility of leading the Jesus movement. This is how the church is born.

I deeply appreciate this story, for it is our story. We don’t have it all figured out. We still misunderstand Jesus’ teachings from time to time, and even when we do understand, we often have a hard time following them. But, Jesus is patient and persistent, and the church figures it out along the way. 

I love this journey that we are on together as a church, trying to faithfully live out Jesus’ teachings and shared God’s love. It is a wonderful journey. We may not have it all figured out, but we are having fun along the way. We are also doing a lot of good in the world.

Join us Sunday, as together, we seek to better understand and more faithfully embody God’s love.


Pastor Travis