A note from Pastor Travis 1/3/24
Happy New Year! Welcome to 2025!
I pray that this will be a blessed year for you and for our church. If the rest of the year is as eventful as January will be, then our church will have a banner year!
Below is a reminder of some of the things happening in January. Be sure to mark your calendar and invite a friend!
THIS SUNDAY!! January 5 – 11:00 — Haitian Independence Celebration Potluck Fundraiser
Our annual Haitian Independence Celebration Potluck Fundraiser for Haiti Global Don’t miss the opportunity to have a great meal, enjoy some fellowship, and donate money to a wonderful cause. If you would like to make a donation, You can write a check to the church and put “Haiti” in the memo line, bring cash or donate through our website, https://fumcmelrose.com/e-giving/
Sunday, January 19 – 11:00 Stewart Lainer Speaks on the West Bank, Palestine
Stewart recently traveled to the West Bank. On January 19, he will share his experiences with us during coffee hour. Following his presentation, there will be a Q&A. Stewart was part of a 5-member team connected to Community Peacemaker Teams (CPT). They stayed in Hebron for 7 nights, and then traveled to Bethlehem and Beit Jala to visit the Aida Refugee Camp. It was a powerful experience. Join us to learn more.
Monday, January 20 –10-12 Melrose MLK Event
Our congregation is participating in the Melrose MLK Event. We are partnering with Haiti Global Youth Partnership to share about the rich history of the African Diaspora in Haiti and how it became the first Black Republic in the Americas. Join us for this important event. More information to follow.
Blessings and Peace,
Pastor Travis