A note from Pastor Travis 8/1/24

Welcome to August! We are in the last month of the Summer, and as we enjoy these lazy days our minds are already turning towards the fall. So, read on to keep informed about the great ministry at FUMC!

1. This Sunday, August 4 during worship we will hear a report on our mission trip and on our work in Haiti!

2. On Sunday, August 18 we will be blessing the students – Kindergarten through College, and we will be blessing the teachers and school workers. Join us as we offer this coming school year to God.

3. Victorian Fair, Sunday, September 8. We will once again be participating in the Victorian Fair. This is an opportunity for us to share the great things that are going on in our church with the wider community. We need people who are willing to join us at our table. It is easy. All you are asked to do is sit at the table for an hour or so and talk to people who stop by. You also get to pet lots of dogs and see the happy faces of children as they paint rocks.

4. Fall Kickoff, Sunday, September 15 – traditionally called Homecoming Sunday. But we are calling it Fall Kickoff because it is the beginning of all of the great things we are doing this fall! Keep watching e-news to learn more about what we will be doing on Fall Kickoff


Pastor Travis