FUMC & The Food Drive December 2022

FUMC & The Food Drive December 2022
Photo by Ella Olsson on <a href="https://www.pexels.com/photo/variety-of-dishes-1640771/" rel="nofollow">Pexels.com</a>

Hello there FUMC Church Family,

Our Sunday Free Meal Distribution is making a difference in our community! This Sunday we had 24 guests in person and 1 delivery by a guest to a homebound friend, which means we distributed 75 meals from the Melrose Community Freezer. Word is getting out to the people who need it.

So what do we need to do to keep providing this incredible service to our neighbors?


We need two volunteers each Sunday! If you’re interested in volunteering, either email me at fooddrivemelrose@gmail.com or sign up here: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0D44A8AA22ABF8C70-fumc


If we continue to serve 25 guests at three meals each, we’ll need 75 meals weekly. It may be a challenge, but for the next few weeks we’re going to try! To simplify, this means we need 15 people to make 5 meals each week. Or 60 people to make 5 meals each month, both of which sounds way less daunting.

If you’re able to make meals, please email me at fooddrivemelrose@gmail.com with quantity and timing, or sign up here: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0D44A8AA22ABF8C70-community

Following are the most requested meals so far:

Roast chicken/turkey/pork, rice, green beans

Shepherd’s pie or meatloaf, mashed potatoes, peas & carrots

Soup or stew with cornbread or bread

Lasagna, chicken/broccoli ziti, or another pasta bake

Kid meal: chicken fingers, mac & cheese, veggie

The most important requirements are:

Meals are COMPLETE, including protein/veggie/starch

Meals are LABELLED

Meals should FREEZE WELL

Thanks so much to all!

Let me know if you have any questions!


Jana Gimenez

Executive Director

The Food Drive

25 Sargent Street

Melrose, MA 02176


617-501-7134 – cell