Children & Youth news Spring 2022

Here is our plan for the next few weeks (including Holy Week and Easter):
All children and families are encouraged to join the congregation for in-person or live streamed worship services, as best as you are able. It is so important to have children’s perspectives and presence among us. We are actually not complete as a community unless we include our children. So, we invite you to step forward and be with us. There will be a variety of special activities that are especially for children.
On Palm Sunday, April 10, children are especially invited to participate in the palm procession, and in pretzel making. Parents may also participate. The service will include a Children’s Time directly before pretzel making.
We are thinking about including children’s moments in Holy Week worship services, Maundy Thursday and Good Friday, April 14 and 15 (yes, these services are meant for children!). We will let you know as soon as details have been finalized. Please consider attending these services as a family, to hear and participate in the stories of Jesus’ journey to the cross that are so important to our Christian faith.
On Easter Sunday, April 17, we will have two Children’s Times during morning worship. We will uncover our buried alleluias and make a joyful noise together. We will learn about the women who were the first to discover that Jesus had been raised from the dead. And, after worship (starting at approximately 11:15 am), we will have a community Easter egg hunt on our church lawn (weather permitting). All are welcome to join us for a half hour or so of fun (and candy).
If anyone has questions or suggestions, please contact Jayleigh! We would also love to know if you plan on attending Palm Sunday pretzel making and/or the Easter egg hunt, so that we can prepare materials.
Going forward, we will have Children’s Time on the first and third Sundays of each month. This is in addition to special events or Children’s Times that may happen on other occasions. It is a way to establish a rhythm, so that even if you cannot attend worship every week, you can plan on attending on one or both of these weeks as a family. The Children’s Times will also (we hope) be made available on our YouTube channel as separate videos, approximately five minutes in length, so that you will be able to watch them together even if you cannot attend the full worship service.