A note from Pastor Travis 7/8/21
Dear FUMC Family and Friends,
One of the many blessing of serving as pastor at First United Methodist of Melrose for the last two years has been working with Sandra. She is an excellent Church Administrator and she has helped me enormously in my ministry here. Our congregation has been blessed by her faithfulness. However, Sandra’s husband, Andrew, has received an employment opportunity that the family could not pass up. Therefore, they will be moving to Qatar. This means that Sandra’s last day as our Church Administrator will by July 28. We will miss her and we wish her well.
Jayleigh, our Director of Christian Education, has agreed to take on the Church Administrator’s position in addition to her role as Christian Education. She will begin training for the position this week. Jayleigh has experience in this position and will do an excellent job. The Staff Parish Relations Committee and I are excited about Jayleigh filling this position, and I ask you to welcome her warmly in the job and to be patient as she learns the position.
I have one more request of you. On Sunday mornings, Jayleigh’s thoughts and work will be focused on Christian Education. Therefore, if you have any questions or need to share information with Jayleigh about the administration of the church, please do that during the week, not on Sunday mornings. This will help her focus on her work as a Christian Educator and help assure that the administrative responsibilities don’t get lost due to the hustle and bustle of a Sunday morning.
Blessings and Grace,
Pastor Travis