Children & Youth News!

Children & Youth News!

As the church reopens for in-person worship, we are also preparing for the return of Sunday school! Beginning on May 2, both virtual and in-person services will include a children’s time, and in-person worship will also offer a Sunday school experience for any children and youth who may be present.

Given our ever-changing situations and comfort levels, offerings will be based on the number of children present and according to age, so may change significantly week to week. We will be continuing through at least May and June, and taking full advantage of the warmer weather to have some or all meetings outside. (Note: there will be no food or drinks provided in order to comply with safety guidelines. Children who attend must be able to wear a mask at all times.) 

More details will be included as we get closer to May 2.

(Families: watch for an email poll about options for outdoor gatherings in the remainder of April. Your responses will greatly help with planning!)


Director of Children and Family Ministeries