Baking for Pretzel Sunday

Baking for Pretzel Sunday

We will definitely miss sitting in the sanctuary while the smell of baking pretzels wafts upstairs from the kitchen! “Pretzel Sunday” is one of our favorite days of the year!

Legend says that pretzels originated with an italian monk who was trying to teach children to pray. The shape of the pretzel resembles arms crossed in prayer. Later, pretzels became associated with Lent, because they could be made with only flour and water, following the restricted dietary rules of the season. Some people even had pretzel hunts on Easter morning as pretzels continued to increase in popularity.

sunday school children make pretzels on palm sunday
A Lenten tradition:Pretzels after worship
Lenten pretzel baking

You can make your own Lenten Pretzels at home this year. The recipe was included in the e-news but here is the link to Sally’s Baking Addiction Easy Homemade Soft Pretzels + Video. If you and your family make pretzels this year, share some photos of your creations on social media with the hashtags #fumcmelrose #fumcmelrosepretzelsunday