Praying together through Lent

Praying together through Lent

In a little over a month, the season of Lent will begin. We will for the most part be observing the season from our own homes, but we can still pray together!

Rev. Travis and Jayleigh are inviting congregation members of all ages to create original prayers, in words or images, to share with the community during Lent. Never written your own prayer, or not sure where to start? We can help! With the needs of children and families in mind, Jayleigh has created an easy and fun process for putting together simple yet heartfelt prayers, one that can be used by children, adults, or whole families. It is a way of listening to each other’s hearts and witnessing the beauty in the diverse ways we relate to God.

Prayers that you choose to share will be collected and sent to the congregation during the forty days of Lent, so that we will have daily reminders of how connected we are as a community of faith.

Parents of young children or teens who are interested in participating should contact Jayleigh, who will help guide you and your children through the process. Others who are interested in contributing your individual or family prayers should contact Rev. Travis.