A message from Pastor Travis 09/26/20

Dear church family and friends,

Last week, I saw a picture of some friends, my wife, Sandra, and me on New Year’s Eve. There we were, toasting the New Year, looking forward to the adventures that 2020 would bring. As I looked at that picture, I thought “If only I knew then what I know now.” Yet, reflecting on this, I realize that even if I knew what was in store for us in 2020, I would have still gone to that party and welcomed the new year. We cannot live in dread of the future, worried about what will happen or what might happen. If we do, we will be paralyzed by fear. Instead, we must continue to move forward, adapting to the challenges as they come.

This is what we have done as a church. We have adjusted our ministry and our methods to face the challenges of COVID-19. We have continued to offer worship and study opportunities. We have continued to reach out in mission and service. We have continued to offer care and counseling. I am proud of our congregation and all of the ways people have found to engage in our ministry, offering their time, talents, and gifts.

One of the challenges has been financial. When people are in-person for worship on Sundays they have an opportunity to contribute by placing a gift in the offing plate. However, when people are worshiping virtually, that is more difficult. As a result, our giving is down. This is especially true following the summer. The summer months are always difficult financially for the church because people are away and less engaged in our activities. This has been especially true this summer. 

If our COVID-19 schedule and our self-isolation has made it more challenging to give your pledges and offerings, I invite you to pause now and send a contribution to the church. Many have fallen behind on their pledges this year due to personal financial concerns. That is understandable, and we know that it may not be possible to “catch up” with your pledge. We ask that, as you are able, to make an offering to the church. You can give by mailing a check to the church or giving electronically following this link, https://fumcmelrose.com/new-donate-now/. The money you give blesses our congregation and makes our ministry possible.

Thank you for your generosity and your faithfulness throughout this difficult time. You have been and are a blessing.

Grace and Peace,

Pastor Travis