A note from Stacey
Dear friends,
The summer months are upon us, and many look forward to a change of pace, some time to rest and be renewed. I hope you find a break in your schedule, a respite from the busy-ness, and time to reconnect with your loved ones, with God and with your own Spirit.
For many years, the summer months brought union services to Melrose as five churches shared the leadership of worship. This summer, for a variety of reasons, there will be just 4 union services, and the schedule is below. These services (at 10 am) are a chance to meet other disciples of Jesus in our community and to experience different styles of worship.
On the other Sundays, we will have the opportunity to be together as the FUMC community for summer worship at 9:30. The services will be simpler and shorter (45 minutes). Volunteers will provide musical leadership; Leigh Warren (339-933-1624) is coordinating the music. Our nursery attendant is on vacation, but we welcome children to worship. There will still be a children’s time, and we are glad to have children entertain themselves in the pews (especially the wider ëfamily pews where there ís space to sit on the floor).
On these Sundays, volunteers will provide lemonade on the lawn after the service. It will be an informal time for visiting and catching up.
If you visit another church while youíre on vacation, please bring back a bulletin and any other material you may pick up. Itís a good opportunity to learn how other churches do things. And finally, if you are going on vacation, remember that your church does not go on vacation. There are still salaries and bills to be paid. Why not pre-pay your pledge or go to our website, fumcmelrose.com, and use PayPal to stay current with your commitment.
I look forward to seeing you in summer worship
Date Time Location Preacher
June 19 9:30 FUMC Stacey Lanier
June 26 9:30 FUMC Stacey Lanier
July 3* 9:30 FUMC Stacey Lanier
July 10 10:00 FUMC Rev. Beth Horne
July 17 10:00 Green St Baptist Stacey Lanier
July 24 10:00 1st Cong. Rev. George Sinclair
July 31 10:00 Highlands Cong. Dominic Taranowski
August 7* 9:30 FUMC Sarah Rakhmankulova
August 14* 9:30 FUMC Sarah Rakhmankulova
August 21* 9:30 FUMC Sarah Rakhmankulova
August 28 9:30 FUMC Stacey Lanier
Sept. 4* 9:30 FUMC Stacey Lanier
*We are seeking volunteer musicians for many of the Sundays – piano, guitar, flute – whatever you play – would you consider sharing with us July 3, August 7, 14, 21, or September 4*?