White people challenging racism * New Adult Study!

People of all heritages/identities are welcome in this five part class that focuses on the role of white people in dismantling racism and building a just society. We’ll examine the institutionalization of racism and impact of white privilege, and how, despite our best intentions,  our lack of awareness perpetuates racism.

We’ll discuss readings, view videos, and share everyday situations in which we want to become more effective in naming and addressing racism in our families, communities and places of work.  We’ll practice effective ways to speak up, and develop action plans that challenge racism in our spheres of influence.

This class encourages learning in a safe environment.  Class is limited to 15.  Five Two-Hour Sessions-May 19, 26, June 9, 16 and 23, 7-9 PM.  Co-facilitators: Stewart Lanier & Katy Thompson.  $55 fee covers all classes and materials . (Scholarships available on request-all welcome!)

Questions?  Talk with Bert Whittier, Wendy Warren, Jane Allen, Anne Hillman or Stewart.

Register by emailing:


or call 781- 662-7060