A Message from Our Pastor: Summer 2013
Dear Church Family:
Welcome to Summer Sabbath! While this is probably an exception to most churches in our New England Conference, here at First UMC Melrose, our congregation now enters into what we often refer to as “Summer Light” – a much welcomed season when the grinding wheels and gears of church activities slow down considerably. For most of us, Summer Light offers a two-month season of Sabbath rest that is much needed before the flurry of a new fall program year is kicked off, and we start running again.
This summer will, of course be no exception. However, there are two very important meetings which I hope and pray will be well attended by our church members and friends. This invitation goes out to all our church members and friends to prayerfully consider a new model for doing ministry in the church – a new, streamlined administrative structure that will considerably reduce committees and meetings so that our congregation can spend more time on feeding and nurturing our souls.
Consider this: Our current list of committees amounts to 150 church positions that are held by a congregation that averages around 80-90 worship attenders each week. This position number is not inflated – I counted them all! This means, of course, that several church members wear far too many hats! This number of meetings and responsibilities is no longer attainable if we are to remain a lively and vital congregation!
We are considering a new Leadership Team structure which calls for 3 committees with 18 positions to be filled (as opposed to 10 standing committees with 150 positions to fill!) This new structure would include the Leadership Team comprised of 9 members (Lay Leader, Lay Member of Annual Conference, and one representative each from SPRC and Trustees, plus 5 members elected to the team). There would also be an SPRC committee of 3 members, and a Board of Trustees, of 6 members.
The Leadership Team would meet once a month, with ministry staff members’ expected attendance and participation. ALL church members and friends would be, not merely invited, but actually encouraged to attend to give voice to your hopes and dreams and concerns as to how we shall order our life and ministry together. All budget and policy matters would be voted upon by the 9 member Leadership Team – and all votes would be taken during the regularly scheduled Leadership Team meetings. While there may be occasional times when the Leadership Team would go into ”executive session” to deal with sensitive or confidential matters, such sessions would be rare. A secretary will record minutes of all Leadership Team meetings, and make these minutes available to the congregation within a week.
You are invited to two meetings this summer as we consider implementing this model: The first will be an Informational Meeting, scheduled for Wednesday evening, July 31, 2013. We will begin with an Ice Cream Social at 7:00 p.m., and the meeting would begin at 7:30 p.m. The Reverend Glenn Mortimer, pastor of the Wakefield-Lynnfield UMC, along with a few members of their Leadership Team, will come to share their story of how this model has helped and strengthened their church.
The second will be a Church Council meeting on Wednesday, August 28, at 7:30 p.m. At this meeting we will officially vote on the new structure. As I wrote in my Annual Report: There is one major reason for considering this polity change: to reduce the number of repetitive meetings, focus our concentration, and freeup time and space for what is the authentic work of the church: to find, form, shape, and strengthen disciples of Jesus Christ! To offer opportunities for more prayer, singing, spiritual formation, fun and table fellowship, service ministry projects and opportunities.
Please do your best to make every effort to participate in these summer meetings. And as we move forward in ministry together, and anticipate these meetings, let us all pray that God’s wisdom will continue to gift us with discernment, and empower us with faith, hope and love.
Thanks to all for a great year – and for a bright, new year to come!
Pastor Chuck